POINTS OF LIGHT 928 EAST FIFTH STREET VOLUME IV #8 Brooklyn, New York 11230-2116 Copyright 1991 by: Temple of the Eternal Light (718) 438-4878 An "Omni-Denominational" Religious Fellowship _____________________________________________________ WELCOME ALL READERS. POINTS OF LIGHT is the monthly newsletter of TEMPLE OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT. It is an open forum for anyone to send in articles, poetry, short, short, stories, advertising or anything else. We desire it to blossom into a cornucopia of fact, or fantasy relating to modern magickal living, spiritual growth and a network linking all members of our human family by a chain of fellowship. With wishes for Love and L.V.X. Rt. Rev. Jerome Peartree, Publisher Rev. Karen DePoÉ7rRD aNTS OF al liviner Rev. Karen DePoÉ7rhain of esfh Cal liviner ESo'aFIFTH STRf, Rd L.anat(iY=FRRIal livineLnêowPATRD aNTS OF EnGî1 ra ___________________________________________l2 SOF C Rev. Karen(eRi___[gg( ue it to CIdLNoMin ar¥:_________Io_Od a neCI Rev ePoÉc va SS'ae±ntDtPU RB______Io_Od a neCaiXAT2Io_tEZtr-itDaer-itDaeen(DasIATcles, poetry, short, short, stories, adv ä6iaA OnSDaen(gd öc______en(ES­NeA OnSDrt, shortCESogwnË5 for LovesES_a3___m forn forgforgwnJdr)NrtNrtNrtNrtNrtNRE7FË9ar-ing r)ocNrtN,C i___ì-dFNhal livinh=DUwm___Dke.al r-i^ SOF -IDLtPUG CcnDUwm___Dke.al r-i6r þnEsin GCtn ECtn1 nEsin 7DA- fkwoSh xÂeCYhtforgf h - for nt7Dbnn n2 ntlDdrzlc, stoClnD»nD(on= E0l- lh sIAT IhDt2)[T th(NR 3h)ânfIa3hLELOEnt2)[T 3hII1:h rGDdrzl2sllRomembersSIOE Rev. K o, (X(n-s(itortCESlNtEÅ tF monthly ne )etE___en(GTsinO0fCCiOh8tW______OusllRonCCieILeIp þnrl3t oGeiFlsDr8»nDva tERo hfyLrIem)NbtC. deIuoem)NbtC.u 5tSIRLrE ip hNrt= AOm)NbtCemes=eDkRN nt7h i NsCv5m+LeSlNymo eongco mngS lEf 8oNth i wi DalE(Nr3 wi LrrSEemesi 2eIdDal (N0bl )Oeman 5T5édDawi unybl EnSR*s)SIce[,iaN1)ânf sIl shimself, eowdy, eowpgSinhrt= e 5mpl ,eSlAl, ,8»nbDaPsyse(NNeurseIarortd o= etCybOusltArh2,nLly,timulioNnahimself, nahis True Be lne Lrl ip s sltEsinrogramd rt,himrime ÂscanEsi childDaweinrogramd, fsrt, dbhfeis sd himself:= e P d,= e G____al,= e WcOw___,= Acricng= e P2teowhorSEwvD nt7h d.)mearSE dredalvfeo mndnLbl iefxdtcashgSguisDaTiTsinio,ngpowgS NOTs_himself, wi gSowho,=tinhlÂnlNtsCtn raemesnli. Âaway e wGaOnf ss8»nll,v ebyhimself dchlnlNtwnjl Iavil,h8saidn "seli e m Acs) e n Imp)regf si) ___hcregf s e powgSsD)b.u 5o)YesistnFap fah8»nDlv,pgS5éd nLly,awi picsrnomicsp fapun)mDafa8d, fgdrtlzeh,8»nDvdimmva lyu H nt7h»nDvd_____Oui s emselfGaiöc wayp brnmomasa eow ElzeTsi*s) cSlvnMasp owgv__,oigassd, way nK)__,ngsllR8Llza8nsuch MasSlvngS lEf ephiraSsi*s) lzed, Ecreslahwiir-ertnenEsi )metaphysLEL)S8LChildacrificNehvnsacrificNhildli s ussNhild8oh,sLNMan 1 d, e-DafaseIaldnÉ7rRD )nEsiNMan 1tinD, e-DafpwnHAléow= duesl2cll, sN itn ,NdBic wayp A-I___wmwONaR wayp ss1Es)SenlNtwnjl Iavil,h8saidn "seli e m Acs) e n Imp)regf si) ___hcregf s e powgSsD)b.u 5o)YesistnFap fah8»nDlv,pgSu5) e Man Fap) e MenfIa3h va SS'ae±n8»nDvdÉ7rs$fapun)mEtinD, e-DafnjkdTcna.Igf s e efa8 Er3hinhés epbinD, e-lSCae